Middle School Highlight:
Grant Christian Middle School 8th graders are a special group. They embody the culmination of years of dedication, close relationships, and lasting memories. Here we celebrate one of our largest graduating classes. Congratulations class of 2024!
We have a NEW spirit wear store launching today! There are fun color options for most styles and more kids sizes available! The online store is only open from now until September 8th!
Check out these great items and show your school spirit! 💙
Order online by clicking the link below:
We are so excited to welcome two new teachers to our staff here at GCS! God has truly answered our prayers of finding teachers to fit into our staff and we couldn't be more grateful!
Mrs. Terlaan is also very excited to be moving from 1st/2nd to middle school! She will be our new 5th & 6th grade homeroom teacher!
Please take a moment to read their bios and welcome them to our amazing GCS community!
Supply Lists are live on our website! Go to the document section, choose the supply list folder and then click on your child's teacher! Click the link below to take to you there directly!
We are so thankful for our teachers and we want to be able to help them clear their classroom wishlists! With Prime Days this week Tuesday and Wednesday, it's a great opportunity to help them by purchasing an item or two off their wishlist! We need your help to clear our teachers wishlist: Mrs. Wells - Preschool: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/27WDT3HM4FCZS?ref=cm_sw_sm_r_un_un_YCc5qwPub7Tfd Mrs. Knol - Kindergarten: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2WAO90WR8XHQ2?ref_=wl_share Miss Wills - 2nd Grade:
Miss Borgman - 3rd & 4th: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1RCCMY1KKZTLB?ref_=wl_share Mrs. Terlaan - 5th & 6th: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/31EPZGO1BITH4?ref_=wl_share Mrs. Oatis - 7th & 8th: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/V5IM43PE8SJP?ref_=wl_share Miss Whiteside - STEM & Science: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3BYXMM03SHKU9?ref_=wl_share Christy Hutchinson - Art: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1SLT6XUXPFFBC?ref=cm_sw_sm_r_un_un_tJMRDUhadWlO8 ***we will add other lists as teachers send them to us!
Middle School Highlight:
We are blessed to have our art teacher Mrs. Hutchinson delve into many different artistic styles with our middle school students. We have many budding artists!
Middle School Highlight Each year Grant Christian School's middle school students have the awesome opportunity to start their school year with a time of bonding with one another and Christ at a two-day middle school overnight camp.
We would love our community to join us in prayer as we see what great things God will do when we come together as a community! Our Principal, Mr. Vander Zanden, challenged our staff on the last day to pray for B.E.T this summer! B - building - we are asking for God’s hand and provision in a new building plan to help us grow and meet the needs of GCS. E - enrollment - Our prayer is 100 students by fall! T - teacher - We are asking God to send us the right teacher to join our staff and be able to pour into our 2nd graders next school year.
Will you join us in this daily prayer?
THIS Saturday, June 1st, is our first summer work day for GCS! Come on out starting at 8:30am to help fix up some things around the school! There are cleaning needs, painting needs, things to fix and outdoor clean up! This is a great way to get a jump start on your service hours for the 24-25 school year! We hope to see you there!
Our Kindergartners graduated this afternoon!
"Thank you Kinder parents for allowing me to be your child's teacher! It has truly been my joy! I am so proud of each and every one of the Kinders! They have grown academically, in maturity, in friendship, and most importantly in their faith! They ask good questions and strive to be more like Christ! They truly strive to love their friends like Jesus loves us! I am one proud teacher! Congratulations Kindergartners! God has great plans for you!" 💙Mrs. Knol
We started the day today with "Ask the Pastor" with Jordan Chambers from Grant Community Church and Kevin Ver Hoeven from Grant Christian Reformed Church.
This year we promoted a "Getting Caught in the Act of Being Kind" reward system. Today final prizes were awarded.
After chapel the 5th-8th grade band headed into Fountain View to play for the residents.
Bike day continues!
Our 2nd graders along with their teacher, Mrs. Wiers made ice cream today. It was delicious!
As school comes to a close, it's time for a final update on our letter map! Although we did not quite reach our 50 state goal, students were able to hear stories and facts from a variety of people and cultures, and they learned a lot! The biggest fight was who got to fill in the map when a new letter came :) Thank you so much for sharing the post and for helping the 1st graders explore many states and countries!
Today our Kinders finished out their Zoo animal unit by visiting John Ball Zoo! It was a gorgeous day to go to the zoo! ☀️
A big thank you to the moms and dads who chaperoned!
The preschool class celebrated Mother’s Day early today with a mommy muffin morning at school. They were able to experience what their children do at school and were even able to go out for recess and attend art class. Thankful for our moms! 🌸💕
Friday is the last day of teacher appreciation week! We are so thankful for our staff! They have so enjoyed having lunch provided this week! What a special treat!
Be sure to thank our teachers for all they do to help make GCS such a great school to be a part of! 💙
It's teacher appreciation week! We are so blessed by our staff! We truly believe that God has hand picked each and every one of them for this place!
Our teachers are spoiled this week with homemade lunches from families at GCS! Thank you!
Drop a note of appreciation to our teachers, send them a card, share a word of encouragement or simply give them a thumbs up! Thank you teachers for all you do! Your dedication to our students academic and spiritual growth don't go unnoticed! We are so thank for you!
Softball game tomorrow (Monday) against South Olive at 4:00. We will be playing at the Willow field in Grant.
Tuesday we will be traveling to New Era, playing at 4:00.
Today after National Day of Prayer the 8th graders walked to Wesco for slushies. When we returned to school we took some fun photos to remember their time at GCS.
From Mrs. Dickerson-8 of the 10 8th graders were in 2nd grade when I started working at GCS. It has been so fun to watch you guys grow up. I will miss each one of you next year! I told them they were so fortunate to go to such an awesome school. ❤️