Welcome back to school! 🎉💙
We cannot wait to see you! Be sure to stop by the office and take a picture of your kids before sending them off to class! 📸💙
Ready for back to school? We are and cannot wait to see the students next week.
Here is a fun photo print off for the back-to-school morning photos if your family would like to use it. See you soon!
We still have a few spots left in our preschool program!
If you would like to learn more or would like to enroll, please call our office at 231-834-8445.
Chapel shirt orders are due tomorrow! All students receive a FREE shirt! If any parents would like to order one for $15 you are welcome to sign up as well! Orders need to be in by noon tomorrow! Student shirts will be handed out at the cookout. Adults can come pay for their shirts at the welcome table the night of the cookout! Follow the sign up genius link below to sign you student up and order one for you too!
We are so excited about our theme for this school year! "More of God and less of Me!"
Are you looking for a way to donate to GCS? We would love your help with the #clearthelist movement! Help CLEAR our teachers' wish lists as they get ready to return to the classroom! How cool would it be to say that our teachers had all their lists cleared this year?!
Mrs. Wells - https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/27WDT3HM4FCZS?ref=cm_sw_em_r_un_un_GokkLqJ3s4ztL
Mrs. Knol - https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2WAO90WR8XHQ2?ref_=wl_share
Mrs. TerLaan - https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2L84798NZYY36?ref_=wl_share&fbclid=IwAR3lkvZWtwkG5RJJy0655K_rlFLqztYW6pfraFN_fkgIcNkfmGvDDfXM2AM
Mrs. Wiers - https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2YHJ6W4FRUN5S?ref=cm_sw_em_r_un_un_xb6t3qgb70UaJ
Ms. Borgman - https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1RCCMY1KKZTLB?ref_=wl_share
Mr. Elder - https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3E705195YR4T8?ref_=wl_share
Mrs. Oatis - https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/V5IM43PE8SJP?ref_=wl_share
Ms. Whiteside - https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/YEBIWWKP922?ref_=wl_share
Mr. Neville - https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/35Q0KH5GJH3IQ?ref_=wl_share
Mrs. Hutchinson - https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1SLT6XUXPFFBC?ref=cm_sw_sm_r_un_un_q52UaL0r8KjhE&fbclid=IwAR0_YoBltX8HBaD5pUFhy9vX2hQgcigQt6S1bn89KV8MANm2dinwgWYn1oo
Mr. Nagy - Coming soon...
Looking forward to this! More info to come.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the schoolwide cookout!
Join us to talk about committees, volunteering, and school news.
Please bring a dish to pass.
August 21st from 6-8pm.
See you there!
Worker Bee Day
We had a great last day! The preschoolers giving Mr. Vander Zanden a big hug and a thank you was so precious! We were also able to sing Happy Birthday to Mrs. Wells and Mr. Nagy.
When you have a pretty cool band teacher that's willing to get in on the dodge ball game!
Looking for bullfrogs and turtles at recess today.
"My sweet Kindergartners graduated this afternoon! I am so proud of them! They have learned so much and I've loved seeing their hearts for God grow! Their lights for the Lord shine bright! My prayer for them is to continue to shine their lights for all to see and to use their gifts and talents for His Kingdom! I have loved being their teacher! Congrats my almost 1st graders!"
-Mrs. Knol
Yesterday was our cook-out/field day at GCS. We started with a fabulous lunch...burgers, brats, hot dogs, fresh fruit, fresh veggies, chips and four different types of dessert! After lunch the competition was on. Kids competed in chapel groups at the 40 yard dash, beanie baby blast, potato bowling, mind/teamwork games, zoom and flip the tarp. We completed field day with tug of war. The staff even got in on the action, to be defeated by the 7/8 graders!
Here are a few pictures of the 7/8 graders science books they are putting together.
Today was bike day during P.E. class! The kids were also able to ride them during recess.
Recess part 2...from playing with friends to enjoying the nature that God created for us to enjoy!
Recess...Such an important part of our day!
The preschoolers did a science experiment in their class. They put bean seeds on a moist paper towel and hung them in their classroom window to see if they would grow without dirt. They were amazed to discover that they started growing! Now, they will take them home and plant them in dirt to continue watching them grow.
We are excited to announce that today we received a $300 check from B2! We had the privilege of being their mission of the month back in March! We are so grateful for their partnership with GCS!
Today at the end of Chapel we were able to pray over Mrs. Q as this is her last day at GCS awaiting the arrival of her new baby.